Somatic Transformation 

Private Session Package

Masters at holding space and energy, Brea & Myranda guide you safely through a healing journey of self discovery and empowerment. The Somatic Transformation Package includes 3 private sessions with Myranda and 3 private sessions with Brea.

If you found your way to this page, it is likely that you are ready and have the courage to release the parts of you that have been holding you back. These are the places in the depths of our being that have often existed since birth and childhood. We can only reach these places by soft allowance and awareness. You will come to know the Truth of yourself. Your own unique essence of infinite potentiality.

This work encompasses both personal and generational trauma release.

Sessions with Brea:
Brea’s gift is knowing and seeing where each emotion is held in the body and how it energetically correlates to your relationships and experiences with the ‘outside’ world. She guides you safely into a place of new understanding of how your energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual systems work. With this new awareness of self, true alchemy occurs.

Sessions with Myranda:
Myranda has the gift of seeing your body similar to that of an x-ray scan. She sees where trauma and old patterns have been stored and where the magic and light is within you. Myranda safely guides clients somatically into the depths of their being, allowing for the release of what no longer serves them or is needed.

3 sessions with Brea
3 sessions with Myranda
(these can be scheduled at any time and generally clients alternate sessions between Brea & Myranda)

$890/USD for 6 Sessions*

Clients that purchase subsequent packages will receive a 10% discount

*Sessions take place over Zoom (or in person for those located in Nosara). Financial assistance & payment plans are available. Please inquire. Payment can be made by credit card or cash (e-transfer is available for Canadian clients).