The Rebirth:

6-Month Individual Mastermind

There’s something whispering in your ear that everything you need is inside of you. You cognitively know this is true, yet access to that part of yourself still feels blocked.

There is a deep desire to be in

Welcome to your REBIRTH.

The Rebirth: 6-Month Journey

Welcome to the place where you are guided to truly know your own potential and transcend the subconscious patterns that have been holding you back, and in many cases, running your life.

Now that you are here, perhaps you feel something is missing or just simply isn't quite right. Perhaps you've been on a long road of self-discovery and you barely recognize the person you were 10 years ago, but simultaneously, your life still doesn’t feel in alignment with the potentiality you feel inside. Something just isn't fitting. You're done with 'trying' so hard. You’re ready to THRIVE, to live from your TRUTH, and to live with EASE.

WHAT IS REBIRTH? Rebirth is coming to know the hidden parts of you without the stories attached to them. Indeed, it’s the subtle awareness of these parts that have been subconsciously repressed for years that allows for transformation and healing. Rebirth is NOT about re-living old traumas over and over again. It’s far deeper than that. It’s working with the nervous system at the subconscious level so that you can live life in an embodied way that comes from your own individual Truth within.

This program takes commitment and dedication. This is life transformative work, and you will be required to go deeper than you ever thought possible.

We look forward to working with you in this completely individual program as you come to experience your infinite potential through your own Rebirth.

  • Included.

    You will have 6 private sessions with Brea and 6 private sessions with Myranda.

    A personalized group is formed between Brea, Myranda & yourself. In this container you are continuously supported between each private session. Myranda & Brea are both available as needed (within the context of personal limits).

    This program is like no other and although it is extremely rewarding, it requires commitment from all (YOU and US)! We are dedicated to supporting and guiding you through your life (relationships, career, parenting, etc.) but you will be at all times required to accept complete and total responsibility for yourself.

  • Commitment.

    Program Cost - $6000/USD

    Payment Option One: Pay in full at program start $5500/USD ($500 discount).

    Payment Option Two: $2500/USD at program start. 5 monthly payments of $700/USD thereafter.

    Note: A meeting is required prior to acceptance into the mentorship program.

From Our Clients.

The following story is from one of our client’s who is an incredible life-coach & healer, and we decided to include their journey with us below as she wants to share her experience with you:

“Through the transformation with Brea and Myranda I discovered a renewed passion for life, living the way I had always imagined but instead of realizing my experiences through destructive thought loops, my perspective on creating has shifted to that of joy, freedom, and courage. I am now able to really, wholly, thoroughly enjoy the small and big moments of my life. 

What I really notice is that boredom, worries, disappointment, resentments, rejection, feeling alone, not deserving, smugness, anguish, and fear shifted in to acceptance, love, belief, and laughter - which comes in the everyday of how I interact with people. 

I laugh at myself all of the time now - and it’s brought me so much closer to my family and to choosing a new way of living, a passion for creating new: my writing and voice have become my own, and my family dynamic has shifted to one of genuine understanding and togetherness. 

Myranda has a beautiful way of connecting to the darkest and lightest corners of the body while encouraging a mindful exploration so you are able to move through the different sensations at your pace - she meets you at your level with compassion, insight, and strength, lightly suggesting exploring the unknown. 

Brea has an amazing way of guiding you to the different parts of yourself, seeing the entire picture and enabling you to discover your own energy, your own power, and your own possibilities. With grace, she witnesses you as you are and encourages limitless potential. 

The container created is your space to leave ego and outcomes behind and be real. What I loved and appreciated was the no bullshit factor. This is for you and no one else, pomp and circumstance are left at the door and it’s you discovering you, real and raw. And when you are ready to take a leap in to the unknown, you can rely on the space they are providing to turn to for figuring it all out. 

I’m not going to lie, it was rough, really rough learning about and understanding the physical, emotional, and energetic at this level, I was terrified half of the time and excited/ dedicated the other half. But coming out the other side of this transformation has changed my life in ways that words can not describe.  

And I thank goodness I am on this side of it, but it was worth the pain 10,000 times over to now be showing up this way in the every day, living sparks and joy. 

I’m no longer going through the motions with moments of pleasure, I am now living with joy with moments of life that are challenging. Life isn’t something I have to do, it is something I’m so excited to experience.”

British Columbia, Canada